Sunday 4 September 2011

Some more criticism from the family

My brother and his wife visited in the holidays for the first time since the Arc shopping centre was built. They have always absolutely loved Bury but this time they were very disappointed- 'What a dreadful shopping centre - it's cold, stark and soul-less', my sister-in-law said. My brother seemed more concerned that the shops were 'boring' but both agreed their lunch in Carluccio's would have been improved with a decent view.

I really am surprised by their comments - why I don't know, I think it's a dreadful place. True I have 'monochromed' my photos. This is because the Arc reminds me of a cross between something from the future and something from the 60s (we all know the 60s happened in black and white). Not a good combination from any perspective. So many people do like the Arc (but there are hoards who don't) - maybe they don't get out much. Sorry if you do like it, but I think we need colour in in lives (I didn't have to do much adjusting to get a monochrome photo) not this grey austere mixture of cheap looking units.

Well, my family are critical of Bury these days - one might imagine they have travelled here from the Cotswolds or Cornwall. Brentwood and Romford actually.


JayGee said...

You are so right about the battleship grey. Especially bad on the Apex - a grey entertainment venue is just wrong. Charter Square gets a lot better when it is filled with colourful stalls, or the roundabout and giant ball pool.

juliew said...

Not sure how long the over large planter has been outside Carluccio's but what it really needs is trees that grow and hide everything.

A councillor pointed out recently that Planners in Bury don't seem to 'plan'. Just wish more thought had been given to the long-term when the plans for the Arc were passed.

JayGee said...

I don't think "Too dull" is a legally valid reason to refuse planning permission.