Sunday 3 July 2011

St Edmund's Tavern, Risbygate Street

I think it's a shame this pub changed it's name from the Rising Sun some year or so ago. I never see the point in changing pub names. This place has so much history (yes, I once worked there) and the building is so beautiful.

I'm not sure what's going on there but I don't think it's as successful as it should or could be. It's not central which is a problem - and it is primarily a restaurant (though it does house a few drinkers). I think either prices need to be very competitive or the menu needs to be a bit different, and I feel that good though the food is, it's not got a hook for the more adventurous diners. It's not 'special' in any respect other than the building, but it could so easily be with a few tweaks.

I have had a couple of pleasant lunches there recently; they serve some lovely fresh, home-made tasting bread as well as other quality ingredients, but one shot at evening dining was enough for me as things stand. I hope the proprietors get to grips with what might be missing as I fear it could end up another casualty of Bury's town centre when it really should not be.

1 comment:

JayGee said...

Your predictive powers working well here - it has closed.