Sunday 17 July 2011

Butley's Oysterage, Orford, Suffolk.

I have loved the little village of Orford and Butley's restaurant for many years. A family-run business, the food quality remains constant throughout. Wish I could say the same about the prices, but they really are not bad nevertheless. One of my favourite dishes is a mixed seafood hors-d'oeuvres plate which comes with Butley's smoked mackerel, trout, salmon, prawns, cod's roe... and other delights. Didn't eat it on my last visit for lunch (last week) as it's best shared as a starter. At about £9 it's very reasonable really (especially when you think of a £9 burger and chips). I didn't have it because most of my friends wanted Butley's lovely oysters. I will forgive them for that.... eventually. But nearly all of us had the same main course - a mixture of griddled giant prawns, squid and sardines. Delicious, but they're simply served with bread and lemon mayo. Still great value at around £12 for so much delicious protein. Most dishes are quite simply prepared and are definitely for lovers of fish. They do serve smoked chicken (if it's well behaved) but that's about it on the meat front. Desserts are lovely too but we adjourned to a little cafe across the road for cake and coffee - very enjoyable. There are also two great pubs in Orford and a hotel with a renown restaurant ... not to mention the Lady Florence, but an update on that later in the summer I hope. Do go to Orford if you've never been before and you like 'quaint', traditional and good quality.

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