Not a nice spot to have a five hundred year old pub - what a difference it would have made if it had been in the village itself. Location, location, location...... but if it carried on running like it is now it could be in just about anywhere and I don't think it would attract the crowds other than for beer - it is a Free House after all. I suppose that it's the vicious circle syndrome - when you can't get people out of Bury without a magic formula, then the managers can't afford to run it in the way they would like (or know how ). Take my fishcakes - yes, please take my fishcakes! I don't mind two little fishcakes posing as a light lunch (or even a starter) at around a fiver if you can taste the fish. Magnifying glasses out!
Given it was mostly a potato cake they could have at least served it with a half-decent salad rather than just a garnish. No wonder there were only two other lunchers to be seen - and they were in the mirror. It is such, such a pity. The building is so full of potential. Even as it stands it is not bad if you could eradicate that 'old guest house' smell that prevails. It would make a good film set..... and it is supposed to be haunted. Not by customers though I imagine.
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