Sunday 10 June 2012

Wetherspoon's Corn Exchange

I make no apology for the poor quality of this photo. It's not that I don't want to make The Corn Exchange look attractive by 'fixing' my photos a bit, but this representation seems to sum up my first impression of the new Wetherspoon's venue.  Uninviting.....untidy and indistinct as a restaurant.  It reminded me of a disembarkation lounge of a cheap cruise with people and 'stuff' all over the place. It is obviously going to be very popular with big drinkers and lovers of cheap food which is not really a good sign for those who like to eat in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

The up-side is that it might make other local food and drink premises think about the prices they charge for alcohol.... and in some cases food too.  Having visited the city of London  this week it was noticeable from the pub and upmarket Thai restaurant I visited that food prices were comparable with Bury and drink prices only slightly dearer. I think that says more about Bury St Edmunds than it does about London.  In many cases it is very expensive to eat out in Bury - wine often being ridiculously over-priced.  Even if people on a night out choose not to end up in Weatherspoons they may well start there to 'fuel' themselves up. Bad news for other venues.... but not for the public.

I had no desire to lunch in The Corn Exchange on Friday as I had intended but may try on another occasion when it isn't so busy.... if such an occasion arises. I hope this place doesn't affect the privately owned businesses - certainly Saints was as busy as ever.  Hope it gives the overpriced Pizza chains a run for their money though.


JayGee said...

That's very disappointing - it looked so attractive in the newspaper shots before there were any customers, especially the restored glass roof and the foliage.

JayGee said...

I've always thought pizza was overpriced - basically it's only cheese on toast. But it's around the same price as other restaurant food and I do love it.

juliew said...

Think you will find foliage is artificial, which would go with the theme of 'cheap'.

juliew said...

There's pizza and pizza. My foreign visitors laugh at our propensity to throw everyting we can on them. They should be fairly simple with natural flavours if they are to match cheese on toast.

juliew said...

I mean pizzas should be simple .. not my visitors.